Fractions are parts of a whole. They show us how many pieces we have out of a total number of equal pieces. For example, if you cut a pizza into 8 slices and eat 3, you've eaten 3/8 of the pizza!
We can add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. Each operation has its own special steps, but they all involve working with the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) of the fractions.
A fraction is written like this:
\[ \frac{a}{b} \]
Let's add two fractions: 1/4 + 2/3
Step 1: Find a common denominator (12 in this case)
Step 2: Convert fractions to equivalent fractions with this denominator
1/4 = 3/12 and 2/3 = 8/12
Step 3: Add the numerators
3/12 + 8/12 = 11/12
Let's show this with a picture:
In this picture, the top bar shows 1/4 (blue), the middle bar shows 2/3 (green), and the bottom bar shows the sum 11/12 (yellow). Each bar is divided into 12 parts to show the common denominator.
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