Percentage Calculator in Common Phrases

What is
is what % of
of what

Percentage Calculator in Common Phrases: Understanding Everyday Percentage Problems

What is Percentage in Common Phrases?

Percentage in common phrases refers to everyday situations where we need to calculate or understand percentages. These often come in three main forms:

  • What is X% of Y?
  • X is what % of Y?
  • X is Y% of what?
These phrases are commonly used in various contexts, from shopping discounts to academic grades, making them essential for everyday math skills.

How to Calculate Percentage in Common Phrases

The calculation method depends on which phrase you're working with:

  • For "What is X% of Y?": Multiply Y by X/100
  • For "X is what % of Y?": Divide X by Y, then multiply by 100
  • For "X is Y% of what?": Divide X by (Y/100)


The formulas for each phrase are:

  • What is X% of Y?: \( \text{Result} = Y \times \frac{X}{100} \)
  • X is what % of Y?: \( \text{Percentage} = \frac{X}{Y} \times 100\% \)
  • X is Y% of what?: \( \text{Total} = \frac{X}{\frac{Y}{100}} \)

Calculation Steps

  1. Identify which phrase you're working with
  2. Determine the known values
  3. Apply the appropriate formula
  4. Perform the calculation
  5. Round the result if necessary


Let's solve an example for each phrase:

  1. What is 15% of 80?
    15% of 80 = 80 × (15/100) = 12
  2. 25 is what % of 100?
    (25/100) × 100% = 25%
  3. 30 is 75% of what?
    30 / (75/100) = 40
15% of 80 is 12 25 is 25% of 100 30 is 75% of 40

Visual representation of percentage phrases examples