Quotient and Remainder Calculator

Numerator =
Denominator (Divided By) =

Quotient and Remainder Calculator

What is a Quotient and Remainder?

When we divide one number by another, we often get two important results: the quotient and the remainder. The quotient is how many times one number goes into another completely, and the remainder is what's left over.

How to Calculate Quotient and Remainder

To find the quotient and remainder, we divide one number (called the dividend) by another (called the divisor). The quotient is the number of times the divisor goes into the dividend, and the remainder is what's left over.


We can express division with quotient and remainder like this:

\[ \text{Dividend} = (\text{Divisor} \times \text{Quotient}) + \text{Remainder} \]

Or in mathematical notation:

\[ a = (b \times q) + r \]


  • \(a\) is the dividend (the number being divided)
  • \(b\) is the divisor (the number we're dividing by)
  • \(q\) is the quotient (how many times \(b\) goes into \(a\))
  • \(r\) is the remainder (what's left over)

Calculation Steps

  1. Start with your dividend (a) and divisor (b)
  2. Divide a by b
  3. The whole number part of the result is your quotient (q)
  4. Multiply the quotient (q) by the divisor (b)
  5. Subtract this result from the dividend (a)
  6. What's left is your remainder (r)

Example and Visual Representation

Let's use a fun example with candy bars:

Imagine you have 17 candy bars to share equally among 4 friends.

17 ÷ 4 = 4 remainder 1

So, the quotient is 4 and the remainder is 1

Let's show this with a picture:

Remainder (1 candy bar)

In this picture, each row represents the candy bars one friend gets (4 candy bars each). The red square at the top right is the leftover candy bar. This shows that when we divide 17 by 4, we get a quotient of 4 (4 candy bars for each of the 4 friends) and a remainder of 1 (1 candy bar left over).