Color code conversion is the process of transforming color representations between different color models. Each model represents colors in a unique way, and converting between them allows for versatile color manipulation across various applications.
This converter supports four popular color models:
The conversion between these color models involves various mathematical formulas. Here are simplified examples:
\[ \text{HEX} = \text{#RRGGBB} \]
Where RR, GG, and BB are two-digit hexadecimal values for each component.
\[ H = \text{arctan2}(\sqrt{3}(G-B), 2R-G-B) \]
\[ S = \frac{\max(R,G,B) - \min(R,G,B)}{\max(R,G,B)} \]
\[ L = \frac{\max(R,G,B) + \min(R,G,B)}{2} \]
\[ K = 1 - \max(R,G,B) \]
\[ C = \frac{1-R-K}{1-K} \]
\[ M = \frac{1-G-K}{1-K} \]
\[ Y = \frac{1-B-K}{1-K} \]
Let's convert the color red across different models:
This diagram shows the color red represented in RGB and HEX formats. The HSL and CMYK representations would visually appear the same, as they all describe the same color.
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