Color Comparison Tool: Calculate Delta E (ΔE)

Color 1 (HEX)
Color 1 (RGB)
Color 2 (HEX)
Color 2 (RGB)

Color Comparison Tool: Calculate Delta E (ΔE)

What is Delta E (ΔE)?

Delta E (ΔE) is a metric used in colorimetry to quantify the difference between two colors. It was developed by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) to provide a standardized way of measuring color differences that correlate with human perception.


The basic formula for Delta E (CIE76) is:

\[ \Delta E = \sqrt{(\Delta L^*)^2 + (\Delta a^*)^2 + (\Delta b^*)^2} \]


  • \( \Delta E \) is the Delta E value
  • \( \Delta L^* \) is the difference in lightness
  • \( \Delta a^* \) is the difference in the red/green coordinate
  • \( \Delta b^* \) is the difference in the yellow/blue coordinate

Calculation Steps

Let's calculate the Delta E between two colors:

  1. Convert RGB values to L*a*b* color space for both colors
  2. Calculate the differences: \( \Delta L^*, \Delta a^*, \Delta b^* \)
  3. Apply the Delta E formula: \[ \Delta E = \sqrt{(\Delta L^*)^2 + (\Delta a^*)^2 + (\Delta b^*)^2} \]
  4. Example calculation:
    • Color 1 (L*a*b*): (50, 2.6772, -79.7751)
    • Color 2 (L*a*b*): (50, 0, -82.7485)
    • \( \Delta L^* = 50 - 50 = 0 \)
    • \( \Delta a^* = 2.6772 - 0 = 2.6772 \)
    • \( \Delta b^* = -79.7751 - (-82.7485) = 2.9734 \)
    • \( \Delta E = \sqrt{0^2 + 2.6772^2 + 2.9734^2} \approx 4.001 \)

Example and Visual Representation

Let's visualize the Delta E concept:

Color 1 Color 2 ΔE

This diagram illustrates:

  • The L*a*b* color space (represented by the circle)
  • Two different colors (red and yellow points)
  • The Delta E as the distance between these two colors

Understanding Delta E values:

  • 0-1: Not perceptible by human eyes
  • 1-2: Perceptible through close observation
  • 2-10: Perceptible at a glance
  • 11-49: Colors are more similar than opposite
  • 100: Colors are exact opposites