Web-safe colors are a palette of 216 colors that were once considered the standard for ensuring consistent color display across different computer systems and browsers. These colors are formed by using the values 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, and 255 for red, green, and blue components.
While modern displays can render millions of colors, web-safe colors still have some advantages:
Web-safe colors are created using these hex values:
This results in color codes like:
Our Web-Safe Color Picker allows you to:
Let's say you've selected the color #CC6600 from our picker. You can use it in your CSS like this:
.my-element {
background-color: #CC6600;
This diagram shows an example of a web-safe color (#CC6600) that you might select using our Web-Safe Color Picker. It's a warm orange color that could be used for accents or highlights in a web design.
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