RGB to HSL conversion is the process of transforming color representations from the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model to the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) color model. This conversion is useful for color manipulation and analysis, as HSL provides a more intuitive representation of color properties.
The RGB color model represents colors using three components:
The HSL color model represents colors using three components:
The conversion from RGB to HSL involves these steps:
1. Normalize RGB values:
\[ R' = R / 255, G' = G / 255, B' = B / 255 \]
2. Calculate Cmax, Cmin, and Δ:
\[ C_{max} = \max(R', G', B') \]
\[ C_{min} = \min(R', G', B') \]
\[ \Delta = C_{max} - C_{min} \]
3. Calculate Hue:
\[ H = \begin{cases} 0°, & \text{if } \Delta = 0 \\ 60° \times (\frac{G' - B'}{\Delta} \mod 6), & \text{if } C_{max} = R' \\ 60° \times (\frac{B' - R'}{\Delta} + 2), & \text{if } C_{max} = G' \\ 60° \times (\frac{R' - G'}{\Delta} + 4), & \text{if } C_{max} = B' \end{cases} \]
4. Calculate Lightness:
\[ L = \frac{C_{max} + C_{min}}{2} \]
5. Calculate Saturation:
\[ S = \begin{cases} 0, & \text{if } L = 0 \text{ or } L = 1 \\ \frac{\Delta}{1 - |2L - 1|}, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]
Let's convert a vibrant blue color from RGB to HSL:
This diagram shows the vibrant blue color represented in both RGB and HSL formats. The HSL representation provides a more intuitive understanding of the color's properties.
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