The Day Number Calculator is a tool that determines the ordinal number of a given date within its year. This number represents how many days have passed since the beginning of the year, including the date itself.
The Day Number, also known as the ordinal date, is a method of representing a date by its position within a year. January 1st is always day 1, and December 31st is day 365 (or 366 in a leap year).
The formula for calculating the Day Number is:
\[Day Number = Days since January 1st + 1\]
Let's calculate the Day Number for May 15, 2023:
\[Days since January 1st = 31 (Jan) + 28 (Feb) + 31 (Mar) + 30 (Apr) + 14 (May) = 134\]
\[Day Number = 134 + 1 = 135\]
Therefore, May 15, 2023, is the 135th day of the year.
This visual representation shows how May 15 is positioned as the 135th day in the year 2023, illustrating the calculation of days since January 1st plus one.
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