Decimal to hexadecimal conversion is the process of transforming a number from base 10 (decimal) to base 16 (hexadecimal). This conversion is widely used in computer science and digital systems.
The general formula for converting a decimal number to hexadecimal is:
\[D_{10} = (d_n \times 16^n) + (d_{n-1} \times 16^{n-1}) + ... + (d_1 \times 16^1) + (d_0 \times 16^0)\]
Let's convert the decimal number 2748 to hexadecimal:
\[2748 \div 16 = 171 \text{ remainder } 12 \text{ (C)}\] \[171 \div 16 = 10 \text{ remainder } 11 \text{ (B)}\] \[10 \div 16 = 0 \text{ remainder } 10 \text{ (A)}\]
Reading the remainders from bottom to top, we get:
\[2748_{10} = ABC_{16}\]
Here's a visual representation of the conversion process:
2748 | 16 ---- ----- 171 12 (C) 10 11 (B) 0 10 (A)
This diagram shows how we repeatedly divide by 16 and collect the remainders to form the hexadecimal number ABC.
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