Hexadecimal to octal conversion is the process of transforming a number from base 16 (hexadecimal) to base 8 (octal). This conversion is useful in various computing and digital system applications where different number representations are required.
The conversion from hexadecimal to octal typically involves two steps: first converting hexadecimal to binary, then converting binary to octal. This is because there's no direct one-to-one mapping between hexadecimal and octal digits.
Hex | Binary | Octal Hex | Binary | Octal ----+--------+------ ----+--------+------ 0 | 0000 | 0 8 | 1000 | 10 1 | 0001 | 1 9 | 1001 | 11 2 | 0010 | 2 A | 1010 | 12 3 | 0011 | 3 B | 1011 | 13 4 | 0100 | 4 C | 1100 | 14 5 | 0101 | 5 D | 1101 | 15 6 | 0110 | 6 E | 1110 | 16 7 | 0111 | 7 F | 1111 | 17
Let's convert the hexadecimal number A3F to octal:
1. Convert to binary: A 3 F | | | 1010 0011 1111 2. Group into sets of three: 101 000 111 111 3. Convert each group to octal: 5 0 7 7 Therefore, A3F16 = 50778
While less common than hex-to-binary or binary-to-octal conversions, understanding hexadecimal to octal conversion broadens one's capability in working with various number systems used in computer science and digital electronics.
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