Resistor color codes are a standardized method used to indicate the resistance value and tolerance of resistors. The color bands on a resistor provide this information in a compact and easily readable format.
For a 4-band resistor:
For a 5-band resistor:
Color | Digit | Multiplier | Tolerance |
Black | 0 | ×1 | - |
Brown | 1 | ×10 | ±1% |
Red | 2 | ×100 | ±2% |
Orange | 3 | ×1k | - |
Yellow | 4 | ×10k | - |
Green | 5 | ×100k | ±0.5% |
Blue | 6 | ×1M | ±0.25% |
Violet | 7 | ×10M | ±0.1% |
Gray | 8 | ×100M | ±0.05% |
White | 9 | ×1G | - |
Gold | - | ×0.1 | ±5% |
Silver | - | ×0.01 | ±10% |
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