Zodiac Sign Lucky Number Calculator

Lucky Number Diagram
Lucky Number Calculation Zodiac Sign: Select your sign Birth Date: Select date ? Select Sign Calculation Steps:

Zodiac Sign Lucky Number Calculator

What is a Zodiac Sign Lucky Number?

A Zodiac Sign Lucky Number is a number derived from astrological principles, combining the influence of your zodiac sign and birth date. This number is believed to bring good fortune and positive energy to your life.

The Formula for Calculating Zodiac Sign Lucky Number

The calculation of the Zodiac Sign Lucky Number involves combining a predefined value for your zodiac sign with the sum of your birth date digits:

\[LuckyNumber = ((ZodiacValue + BirthDateSum) \bmod 9) \text{ or } 9 \text{ if result is } 0\]


  • \(ZodiacValue\) = A predefined value assigned to each zodiac sign
  • \(BirthDateSum\) = The sum of all digits in your birth date

Step-by-Step Lucky Number Calculation

  1. Determine the ZodiacValue based on your zodiac sign
  2. Calculate the BirthDateSum by adding all digits in your birth date
  3. Add ZodiacValue and BirthDateSum
  4. Take the result modulo 9 (remainder when divided by 9)
  5. If the result is 0, your lucky number is 9; otherwise, it's the result of the modulo operation

Example Calculation

Let's calculate the Lucky Number for a Leo born on August 15, 1990:

  1. ZodiacValue for Leo = 1
  2. BirthDateSum = 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 5 = 33
  3. 1 + 33 = 34
  4. 34 mod 9 = 7
  5. The Lucky Number is 7

Visual Representation


The circle represents the cyclical nature of astrology, with the Lucky Number at its center.