Opposition Number Calculator

Zodiac Opposition Diagram
Zodiac Opposition Your Sign Opposition

Opposition Number Calculator

What is an Opposition Number?

In astrology, the Opposition Number is derived from the zodiac sign that is directly opposite your Sun Sign on the zodiac wheel. This opposition represents a complementary energy that can provide balance and insight into your astrological profile.

The Concept of Zodiac Oppositions

Zodiac oppositions are based on the structure of the zodiac wheel, where signs are arranged in a specific order. The opposition of two signs occurs when they are 180 degrees apart on this wheel. This relationship can be represented mathematically as:

\[OppositionSign = (SunSign + 6) \bmod 12\]


  • \(SunSign\) = the numerical position of your Sun Sign (Aries = 1, Taurus = 2, etc.)
  • \(OppositionSign\) = the numerical position of your Opposition Sign
  • The modulo operation ensures the result stays within the 12 signs of the zodiac

Determining Your Opposition Sign

  1. Identify your Sun Sign on the zodiac wheel
  2. Count 6 signs ahead (or backward) from your Sun Sign
  3. The sign you land on is your Opposition Sign

Example Calculation

Let's find the Opposition Sign for Capricorn:

  1. Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac
  2. Counting 6 signs ahead: 10 + 6 = 16
  3. 16 mod 12 = 4 (as 16 - 12 = 4)
  4. The 4th sign of the zodiac is Cancer

Visual Representation

Capricorn Cancer

This diagram shows the opposition between Capricorn and Cancer on the zodiac wheel.