One's complement and two's complement are methods used in computing to represent signed integers. They are particularly useful for performing subtraction and representing negative numbers in binary systems.
One's complement of a binary number is obtained by inverting all bits in the binary representation of the number.
Formula: For each bit \(b_i\) in the binary number:
\[b_i' = 1 - b_i\]
Where \(b_i'\) is the complemented bit.
Two's complement is obtained by adding 1 to the one's complement of a number.
Formula: For a binary number \(B\):
\[Two's Complement(B) = One's Complement(B) + 1\]
Let's calculate the one's and two's complement of the binary number 1010:
1010 → 0101 (invert all bits)
0101 (One's Complement) + 1 ----- 0110 (Two's Complement)
This diagram illustrates the original binary number 1010 (top, blue), its one's complement 0101 (middle, green), and its two's complement 0110 (bottom, red).
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