A decimal is a way of writing a number that includes a decimal point. It represents a whole number plus a fractional part. For example, 3.75 represents 3 whole units plus 75 hundredths.
A mixed fraction (or mixed number) is a whole number plus a proper fraction. For example, 3 3/4 is a mixed fraction that represents 3 whole units plus 3/4 of a unit.
To convert a decimal to a mixed fraction, we follow these steps:
There isn't a single formula for this conversion, but we can express the process mathematically:
\[d = w + f\]
Let's convert 3.75 to a mixed fraction:
Whole part: 3
Decimal part: 0.75
\[0.75 = \frac{75}{100}\]
\[\frac{75}{100} = \frac{3}{4}\]
Let's visualize 3.75 as a mixed fraction:
This diagram shows 3 whole units plus 3/4 of a unit, representing 3.75 visually.
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