Number rounding is a process in mathematics of reducing the number of significant digits in a number while maintaining its closest value. It's commonly used to make numbers easier to work with or to reflect the limits of measurement precision.
Rounding Formula
The general formula for rounding is:
\[round(x, n)\]
\(x\) is the number to be rounded
\(n\) is the number of decimal places to round to
Rounding Rules
Identify the \(n+1\)th digit after the decimal point.
If this digit is 5 or greater, round up (increase the \(n\)th digit by 1).
If this digit is less than 5, round down (keep the \(n\)th digit the same).
Remove all digits beyond the \(n\)th decimal place.
Calculation Steps
Let's round the number 3.14159 to 2 decimal places:
Identify the number: \(x = 3.14159\)
Set decimal places: \(n = 2\)
Look at the 3rd digit after the decimal (1)
Since 1 < 5, we round down
Result: 3.14
Example and Visual Representation
This diagram illustrates rounding 3.14159 to 2 decimal places, resulting in 3.14.
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