Degrees to Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) Converter
What is DMS?
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) is a sexagesimal system used to express angular measurements, particularly in geography and astronomy. It divides a full circle (360°) into degrees (°), minutes ('), and seconds (").
The Conversion Formula
To convert decimal degrees to DMS, we use these formulas:
D &= \lfloor \text{decimal degrees} \rfloor \\
M &= \lfloor (\text{decimal degrees} - D) \times 60 \rfloor \\
S &= ((\text{decimal degrees} - D - M/60) \times 3600)
\(D\) = Degrees
\(M\) = Minutes
\(S\) = Seconds
\(\lfloor \rfloor\) represents the floor function (rounding down to the nearest integer)
Step-by-Step Conversion
Extract the whole number part for degrees:
\[D = \lfloor \text{decimal degrees} \rfloor\]
Multiply the fractional part by 60 and extract the whole number for minutes:
\[M = \lfloor (\text{decimal degrees} - D) \times 60 \rfloor\]
Multiply the remaining fractional part by 60 for seconds:
\[S = ((\text{decimal degrees} - D - M/60) \times 3600)\]