Weight and Mass Unit Converter

Visual Representation
0 gram (g) gram (g)

Weight and Mass Conversion

What is Weight and Mass Conversion?

Weight and mass conversion is the process of changing a weight or mass measurement from one unit to another. This is essential in various fields, including cooking, science, engineering, and everyday life.

Weight and Mass Conversion Formula

The general formula for converting weight or mass from one unit to another is:



  • Massnew is the mass in the new unit
  • Massoriginal is the original mass value
  • Factororiginal is the conversion factor for the original unit to grams
  • Factornew is the conversion factor for the new unit to grams

Calculation Steps

  1. Identify the original mass value and its unit.
  2. Determine the desired unit for conversion.
  3. Look up the conversion factors for both units to grams.
  4. Apply the conversion formula.
  5. Calculate the result and round to the desired precision.

Example Calculation

Let's convert 5 pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg):

  1. Original mass: 5 lb
  2. Desired unit: kg
  3. Conversion factors:
    • 1 lb = 453.592 g
    • 1 kg = 1000 g
  4. Apply the formula: Masskg=5×453.5921000=2.26796
  5. Result: 5 lb ≈ 2.27 kg (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Visual Representation

5 lb 2.27 kg

This diagram illustrates the relationship between 5 lb and 2.27 kg, showing their relative masses.