Latitude and Longitude Converter

Coordinate Visualization
N E W N S Enter coordinates

Latitude and Longitude Converter: Understanding Geographic Coordinates

What are Latitude and Longitude?

Latitude and longitude are geographic coordinates used to specify the location of any point on Earth's surface. Latitude measures the angular distance north or south of the Earth's equator, while longitude measures the angular distance east or west of the prime meridian.

Coordinate Formats

Geographic coordinates can be expressed in several formats:

  1. Decimal Degrees (DD): Expressed as a single number for each coordinate. For example: 40.7128° N, 74.0060° W
  2. Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS): Expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds. For example: 40° 42' 46" N, 74° 0' 22" W
  3. Degrees Decimal Minutes (DDM): Expressed in degrees and decimal minutes. For example: 40° 42.7667' N, 74° 0.3667' W

Conversion Formulas

The basic formulas for converting between these formats are:

  • Decimal Degrees to DMS: \[ \begin{align} D &= \lfloor |DD| \rfloor \\ M &= \lfloor (|DD| - D) \times 60 \rfloor \\ S &= ((|DD| - D) \times 60 - M) \times 60 \end{align} \] Where \(D\) is degrees, \(M\) is minutes, and \(S\) is seconds.
  • DMS to Decimal Degrees: \[DD = D + \frac{M}{60} + \frac{S}{3600}\]

Conversion Steps

  1. Identify the input format (DD, DMS, or DDM).
  2. If not in decimal degrees, convert to decimal degrees using the appropriate formula.
  3. Apply the conversion formula to transform to the desired output format.
  4. Adjust the sign based on the hemisphere (N/S for latitude, E/W for longitude).

Example and Visual Representation

Let's convert the coordinates of New York City from DD to DMS:

  • Input (DD): 40.7128° N, 74.0060° W

Conversion steps for latitude:

\[ \begin{align} D &= \lfloor 40.7128 \rfloor = 40° \\ M &= \lfloor (40.7128 - 40) \times 60 \rfloor = 42' \\ S &= ((40.7128 - 40) \times 60 - 42) \times 60 \approx 46" \end{align} \]

Result: 40° 42' 46" N, 74° 0' 22" W

E W N S New York City 40° 42' 46" N, 74° 0' 22" W

This diagram illustrates the location of New York City on a simplified world map. The red dot represents the position of the coordinates, demonstrating how latitude and longitude pinpoint a specific location on Earth's surface.