Decimal to IP Address Calculator

Input: 3232235521

1. Convert decimal to 32-bit binary: 11000000101010000000000000000001
2. Split into 4 octets: [11000000, 10101000, 00000000, 00000001]
3. Convert each octet to decimal:
   11000000 (binary) = 192 (decimal)
   10101000 (binary) = 168 (decimal)
   00000000 (binary) = 0 (decimal)
   00000001 (binary) = 1 (decimal)
4. Join the decimal octets with dots:

Decimal to IP Address Calculator: Understanding Network Addressing

What is a Decimal IP Address?

A decimal IP address is a single 32-bit number that represents an IPv4 address. It's an alternative way to express the more common dotted-decimal notation used for IP addresses. This format is sometimes used in network configurations and programming.

Why Convert Decimal to IP Address?

Converting decimal numbers to IP addresses is useful for:

  • Network troubleshooting and analysis
  • Working with certain network tools and APIs
  • Understanding low-level network protocols
  • Developing network-related software

How to Use This Calculator

Simply enter a decimal number (e.g., 3232235521) into the input field and click "Convert to IP Address". The calculator will instantly provide the equivalent IP address (e.g.,

This tool simplifies the process of working with different IP address formats, making it an invaluable resource for network administrators, IT professionals, and students studying networking concepts.